Popular Questions

1Are all products on QShopin original and genuine?
QShopin only offers 100 percent original products and it is ensured that the listed products are all genuine. If you come across a product that does not fulfill the promised standards of quality and originality, please inform us at 0310 8885409 or email info@qshopin.com, and our team will take immediate investigative and operational actions accordingly.
2How do I place an order?
To place an order for the items you want to buy, follow these steps: At the bottom of the product image, click "Buy Now" to display the "Checkout Page". Fill in your contact and shipping details and select your preferred mode of payment. At the bottom of the page, click "Pay Now" to complete the order. An automated email will be generated by QShopin providing the order information and tracking order link.
3How can I get a refund or replacement for my product?
Please refer to the Return Policy in case you want to replace your product. If your case falls under the conditions of our Return Policy, contact us to number 0310 8885409 or email info@qshopin.com, place a request for return. Please do not forget to pack the product in the same way as it was delivered. You must include all tags, accessories or any free gifts received along with the ordered products.
4Are there any hidden costs or charges if I order from QShopin?
QShopin does not charge any kind of hidden costs from its customers. All prices, inclusive of taxes and delivery charges, are explicitly shown in the Total amount payable shown in the order details before confirmation of the order.
5How can I track my order?
You can track your order through the tracking id that was provided in the confirmation email of your order. We also send emails and SMS to update our customers on the status of their orders.

Product & Prices

1Are all products on QShopin new and unused?
2Where can I find more detailed information about a product?
More detailed information can be found on the 'Details' tab and 'Specifications' area on the product pages.
3Are there any hidden costs or charges if I order from QShopin?
4Are the prices on QShopin negotiable?
Prices on QShopin are set by the sellers and are NOT negotiable under any circumstances.
5Why do I see different prices for the same product?
When the same product is listed by different vendors, different prices appear with each vendor’s listing. You can select your preferred price from these available options.


1Do I need an account to shop on QShopin?
Having a QShopin account helps us to make your shopping experience seamless, secure and convenient. You can create your own QShopin account or simply use your Facebook or google+ login. However, orders can be placed as a guest user, without creating an account as well.
2How can I track my order?
You can track your order through the tracking id that was provided in the confirmation email of your order. We also send emails and SMS to update our customers on the status of their orders.
3How quickly can I get my order?
Time taken to deliver an order varies from place to place and according to the products offered. Vendors of some products have mentioned the minimum time that is needed to deliver those products. Any delays caused from the vendor’s end are not the responsibility of QShopin.
4What are the shipping charges?
Shipping the order at your doorstep costs charges to QShopin, which the customer has to pay on their orders. Shipping charges vary according to the customer’s location and the weight of the package to be delivered, which are explicitly mentioned in your order details.
5How can I cancel my order?
Orders can only be cancelled if it has not been shipped already. You can get in touch with our buyer Support Team to get your order cancelled if it is not on its way yet. You can reach the team at info@qshopin.com or call us at 0310 8885409. However, if your order has already been shipped, please refer to the Return Policy to see if you can avail the option to return it, since it cannot be cancelled once shipped.
6My order is delayed. What should I do?
You can get in touch with our buyer Support Team to get your order cancelled if it is not on its way yet. You can reach the team at info@qshopin.com or call us at 0310 8885409. However, if your order has already been delivered, please refer to the Return Policy to see if you can avail the option to return it.
7Why am I having trouble placing products in the cart?
If you are having trouble placing products in your cart, please make sure that you have made all relevant size and color selections. If you still have problems, this may mean that the item you are trying to buy is sold out. Please get in touch with our Customer Support Team. You can reach our team 24/7 by emailing us at info@qshopin.com or calling at 0310 8885409
8My payment was processed successfully but I didn't get any order confirmation. What should I do?
Order confirmation must always be received via email or SMS. Please get in touch with us in case you do not receive one, so we can look into the matter.


1Are there any hidden charges when I make a purchase on QShopin?
No, QShopin does not charge any kind of hidden costs from its customers. All prices, inclusive of taxes and delivery charges, are explicitly shown in the Total amount payable shown in the order details before confirmation of the order. Only this amount should be paid to the delivery agent in case of your CoD orders. QShopin does not ask you to pay any extra amount at the time of delivery.


1How can I track my order?
You can track your order through the tracking id that was provided in the confirmation email of your order. We also send emails and SMS to update our buyer on the status of their orders.
2I found the package open and the product seal is broken on delivery. What should I do?
If the seal of a package in not intact, it should be refused to be accepted. If you happen to accept such package by mistake, please inform us immediately. You can reach our team 24/7 by emailing us at info@qshopin.com or calling at 0310 8885409
3I missed my delivery. What happens now?
If an order is not received in the first attempt, we send the delivery on the next working day again. Total four attempts are made to deliver the order to customers, after which it is cancelled if nobody receives it on the provided address.
4Will somebody contact me before delivering the package to my location?
The delivery agent may contact you before the delivery to confirm your exact location.
5What are the shipping charges?
Shipping charges are the costs that QShopin bears to deliver your order at your doorstep. The customer has to pay these shipping charges on their orders. Shipping charges vary according to the customer’s location and the weight of the package to be delivered, which are explicitly mentioned in your order details.
6My parcel has been reported missing. What now?
If your order has been reported to be missing, QShopin takes the responsibility to replace it for you without any extra charges.

Login my account

1How can I sign-up as a customer on QShopin?
In order to sign-up at QShopin, follow these steps: At the top right corner of the screen, click on “Login or Register” button. Fill out the required fields in the form that is generated as a result of clicking this button. At the bottom of the page, click on “Submit” tab, once you are done filling all the required fields in the form. Upon submitting, you must receive a welcome email on the id you provided in the form, confirming your registration at QShopin.
2How can I add a new delivery address to my account?
To add an additional delivery address to your account, following steps are to be taken: At the top right corner of the page, click on “Buyer Account” to sign in to your account at QShopin. (If you are already signed in, you will see your name there.) At the left side of the screen, click on “Account Setting”. Now Click on “Address” tab. Now Click on “Add a new address.” Enter the details of the address in the fields that are generated. Click “Save this address” to save this address in your account details for future use.
3Can I add multiple email addresses to log in to my account?
To ensure transparency and security, multiple email addresses cannot be used to log in. However, the current email address that you use to log in at QShopin can not be change.
4Why do I need to provide my email address to sign up?
Your email address helps us provide timely information to you about your order. It also acts as your username and helps you to log in.
5How can I change the password of my account?
To change your password, follow these steps: At the top right corner of your screen, click on “Buyer Account”. (You will see your name here if you are already signed in). In the Contact Details box click “Change Password”. Enter the required information and click "Submit. Confirmation of the new password will be sent to you via email.
6How can I deactivate / delete my account?
If you want to deactivate/delete your account follow the given steps: Login to your account. After login you will see Buyer Account in top navigation bar through Buyer Account simply go to profile page. In left nav menu go to Account Setting. At bottom of Account Setting page you will see Close Account button and reason dropdown, simple select close account reason and click on submit your account will be deactivated/deleted on QShopin.
7Would my account be deactivated if I don’t use it for a long time?
The accounts at QShopin are never deactivated. You can always get back to us using the same login information.
8I cannot sign-in to my account. What is the issue?
Make sure that you use the email address to sign in that you provided at the time of creating your account at QShopin. No other email address would let you sign in here. Make sure there are no spelling errors or typos in it. The password you use to sign in should be correct. In case you have forgotten your password, you can reset it here. The browser you are using must also be updated to the latest version to enable the sign in.